Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A final tag-along...

Since Ryne is about to start school we won't be able to tag along with Daddy much (if at all).  Boo!  So we made one last trip with him to Houston.  As always, we stayed busy!  :)
Ryne writing on the iPad on our way to Houston...so sweet!
We dropped Daddy off to work and we headed to Target to kill some time!  

That night we ate at one of our favorite places - Chewy's!  It was yummy but Ryne's favorite part was getting to play with this sweet little pup on the way out.
 Once we got back to the hotel we went for a swim!  We had the pool to ourselves which is always nice.  :)
Reese "drew" a picture and wanted her picture made with it!  :)

Then is was time for baths and bed!
 The next day us girls headed for some fun at the Children's museum.  It was PACKED but we had so much fun!

Reese is upset because she had sand on her finger!  ha!

 We had the best time exploring everything the museum had to offer!  The girls crashed as soon as we got in the car!  After naps it was time to meet back up with Daddy for some more yummy mexican food followed by swimming.  :)

The next day was filled with McD's and the mall...
Of course no mall trip would be complete without a trip into BAB!  Before going in Reese said she wanted a blue bear...lucky for her they had one!  We picked out a dress to try to girl it up a little bit.  :) AND this was the very first time Reese hasn't cried when they had to fill it up!  My baby girl is getting so big!
 We spent a couple more hours eating lunch, riding the rides, playing on the play area...and getting ice cream.  yummy!

Then it was time to meet Daddy and head back home.  We LOVED our little trip and are going to miss getting to go once school starts.

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