Friday, August 17, 2012

The church hunt...

We have tried several churches here but haven't settled on one yet.  We have a few more that we have heard are good and we plan to attend those before making any decisions.  We have attended a couple good ones...but they aren't CC.  We loved being a part of Cross Church in Fayetteville.  We honestly loved everything about it and felt it was where God wanted us.  Hopefully we will find the church we should belong to here soon.  Ryne has voted for the church with the indoor playground!  ha!
Love my girls in their coordinating dresses!

Little nature lover!

1 comment:

  1. That right church is out there just waiting for ya'll to walk thru it's doors...and I bet it has an inside playground; God truly does want to meet ALL of our needs. :)

    I love to see my Grand d's in their coordinating (not matching) dresses too...they are both such beauties!
