Sunday, August 5, 2012

Moving Day(s)!

 I am so behind on the blog!  Even further behind on my scrapbooks, (like will probably never catch up!) so I am playing catch up.  :)  Moving with two kids is interesting to say the least!  Jan and Ken were nice enough to volunteer to take our dogs with them after Reese's party.  It was super nice to not have to worry about keeping up with the pups!  Our two girls required enough looking after during the whole process!  :)

It's moving day!!!
 Ryne was a little concerned with the process.  She was really worried that she would never see her toys again!  I gave her a backpack and told her to put some toys in it for the trip (stuff to play with in the car and hotel) and she started crying and saying that she loved her toys and wanted to keep more than she could make fit.  She was better after I explained that she would see ALL her toys again at the new house!
It's always so weird to see your house full of boxes!
 The following few pictures were from the day before the movers showed up.  I was trying to pack some stuff the movers couldn't move for us (and stuff we didn't want them to move for us!) and Reese was into everything!

Hurricane Reese blew through!

I love this little trouble maker!  :)
We tried to stay out of the house as much as possible while the movers were there.  We met some friends for lunch and play time at CFA.  Then I drove around and let the girls sleep!  :)
 Daddy and Ryne had to run to get a part fixed on Daddy's car so Reese and I hung out at the house.  I had to clean out the fridge...Reese helped!
 That night we went to our sweet neighbors for dinner.  We are going to miss them!!!
Lily and Reese wanting to go upstairs with their sisters!
 We headed to the hotel after dinner.  It was a nice two bedroom with kitchen and living room.  Plenty of room for these crazy girls!
 The next morning we met some friends for one last play date at Gymnastic Joe's.  Ryne was all over the foam pit!  Reese was dying to play but it was way to rowdy for her!

 We walked out with the Robbins girls and of course we had to take a detour through the candy shop!  :)  Ryne always ends up picking a stuffed animal instead of the candy!  ha!
 After that we headed home to do some cleaning once the movers were gone.  Ryne came in handy!  :)

Last picture on Shells Ct.

Of course we had to leave flowers and a card welcoming the new owners!
That night we ate with some friends at Mojitos (going to miss that place too!) before going back to the hotel.  The next morning was spent hanging out in the hotel while Jeremy helped with interviews for his old position.  After he finished up we headed to our new home!

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