Friday, August 17, 2012

Little girls like to play!

Ryne has always been big on pretend play.  It is so fun to watch her with play, especially when she doesn't realize you are watching her!  I hope she always has such a big imagination!

She didn't like when I had her as the focal point and wanted me to make sure Chip and Brittany were not blurry!  ha!

Silly girl full of attitude!
A favorite game for both girls is tickle monster.  Daddy is the best tickle monster!

 This little girl has turned into quite the little monkey!  We were hanging curtains in Ryne's room and she figured out the rocking chair!

Yep, it's all over now!

no more pictures please!
We love a good morning spent in pj's just playing!  Reese is very into accessorizing.  She loves to put on headbands and throw purses on her shoulder.  It is the cutest! Ryne and I like to build things for her little friends to play on.

Notice the tights!  Please don't call the fashion police on me!  

Every princess needs a good plane to get around on.  :)
With the mosquito craziness AND the heat, we spend alot of time staying busy indoors!  I am pretty ready for Fall though!

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