Sunday, August 5, 2012

Another fun outing...

We decided to check out the Museum of Nature and Science.  It was inside which was perfect for these hot temperatures!  Jan meet us there for a morning of fun!  I think Ryne liked having two grandmas around, especially in the gift shop! :)

She was so surprised when "milk" came out!

trying to get through the spider web...

climbing the walls!

 They had a little area for kids under 2.  Reese had so much fun climbing up and rolling down!  I think we need to get something like this for the house.  It was so much fun to watch her!

I want OUT!
We ended up eating lunch there, which was pretty good!  I made the mistake of giving Reese a chip and then she just wanted chips! ha! So she actually ate a better lunch once we got home!  :)

I had to do some work once we got home.  But after that was all done we ate dinner and then headed up to Sweet Frog for dessert...yum!

My fruit loving baby!

It was another fun day with just the girls!

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