Sunday, August 12, 2012

Uncle Lance is a FIREMAN!

We moved to Dallas just in time to get to see Uncle Lance graduate and become a "real live" (as Ryne would say) fireman!  We asked GranJan to watch Reese because it was way too hot out there for her!  Ryne had so much fun watching his "program", as she called it!  We enjoyed having some time with just our big girl!
Before the "program" started.
They had a video to watch at the beginning.  It showed some highlights of their training, pretty cool stuff!

We headed outside after the video to see some of the stuff they learned.  Some stuff would actually be beneficial in putting out fires and some stuff was just showing out!  lol!
climbing up and later and doing a back bend...showing out!
going down a rope head first...showing out, but looks like alot of fun!
Using a chainsaw to get into a burning building...beneficial!  BTW - that was Uncle Lance!  Go Lance!
Ryne was super impressed!
She also loved climbing to the roof of a 3 story building.
She loved getting to see her cousin Eli too!
This was at the end and it was SO hot!  They had just put out not 1, but 2 fires.  Several guys were actually being held up but trainers because they were about to pass out.  
But Lance was man enough to hold a 4 year old right after!  ha!
We had a great time watching it all!  It was impressive and entertaining!

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