Sunday, August 5, 2012

Headed to the Big D!

Us girls enjoyed a relaxing morning at the hotel...well as relaxing as it can be with two little ones!  :)  By the time Daddy got done we were packed up and ready to go!  I was holding Reese while talking to Ryne and looked down and Reese had passed smooth out!  I had been trying to keep her up so she would sleep in the car but I guess she was just too tired!  I laid her down on the bed until J got done and then she stayed asleep while getting to the car and stayed asleep for over an hour!  That totally surprised me!

 She decided to do a little light reading after her nap.  :)

love that the book is upside down!

 And before you say anything about me taking pictures while driving...we were basically parked at the time!
 We finally made it to our new house for the final walk through.  The girls were SO ready to be there!  Ryne was so ready to see the new place!

 Jeff, Diane, and Lance met us there.  Jeff has been in home construction before so we thought he would be great to have along for the final walk through.  Him and Jeremy walked around and I played with these two crazy kids!
 We grabbed a bite to eat after the 2 hour (!) walk through and then headed to a hotel for the night.  We wanted to stay close to where we were closing so we had about a 30 minute drive.  Of course that turned into an hour because of the lovely traffic at 10:04 on a Wednesday!
The next day we hung around town waiting for a phone call to tell us when to show up for closing...we waited and waited, had lunch, then waited more!  Long story short - the appraiser completely messed up the appraisal which messed up everything else.  We ended up not getting to close until Friday and that was after we had to meet the builder in the middle money wise because of the appraisers screw up!  UGH!
Reese loved the turkey at Boston Market!

 That night we met up with Jan, Ken and Rose for some yummy pizza.  After a few heated phone conversations between Jeremy and Wells Fargo we were assured we were able to close at 9am the next morning.  Good thing because if the movers could not be unloading the truck at noon they were leaving with all our stuff and it would be 2 weeks before they could deliver!
 Friday morning we were up early and in the car a little after 6.  There was no way we were going to be late!  We still had to wait for Wells Fargo to call us to tell us how much to bring to closing.  Thankfully the morning went smoothly and after signing approximately 272 times we were leaving the title company with keys!  Yay!
Reese entertaining herself while we signed away our lives!  :)

We have keys!
 We beat the movers there by a few minutes so I told Ryne to make sure the room she picked on Wednesday was still the one she wanted.  She said she changed her mind and wanted this room...which just happened to be the master!  Smart girl!  :)

She said she needed her OWN bathroom!  ha!
 Jan came over a couple hours later and took the girls with her for the afternoon.  That was a huge help because as you can imagine, total chaos showed up with the movers!  :)

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