Sunday, August 19, 2012

A night at the circus!

Jan and Ken invited us to go to the circus with them.  We had so much fun!  Ryne couldn't really remember the circus from the last time we were there so it was like a whole new experience for her!
Watching the pre-show...
Getting a lift so she could see better!
Pretty Daddy!
Of course you have to buy the $20 spinning light!  BTW - she still has an identical one from the last time we went to the circus!  Next circus we will just bring both of those and act like we bought them for Ryne and Reese!  lol!
The elephants were my favorite!
One happy girl!  
Even a cutie with pink plastic hair!
Reese really seemed to like it!  She just squealed when any of the animals were out.
We walked over an air vent on our way to the car so Ryne had a Marilyn moment!  lol!
We had a great time!  Can't wait until the circus comes to town again!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like y'all had fun at the circus. LOVE the Marilyn pic- so funny:)
