Saturday, July 7, 2012

More birthday-ish pictures...

It is still crazy to me that my baby girl is already one!  We took some pictures of her and Ryne a couple weeks ago, kinda for her birthday and kinda because I had just got in some cute matching dresses!  :)  I put her in the same basket that I used for a picture when she was a couple weeks, what a difference a year makes!

Who would have thought this dark hair, dark skin baby would turn into a light headed, light skinned baby?!  Precious both ways!

Oh how Reese adores Ryne!

ALWAYS looking for bugs!

love her little hair blowing in the breeze!  :)

Not a fan of grass!

There's our happy girl again!

I love having girls!!!  I love seeing them love each other and I hope they grow up being the very best of friends!

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