Thursday, July 12, 2012

Last fun city playdate!

We had our very last Fun City Pizza playdate on Friday with our neighbors. We were Friday regulars there when it was too hot or cold to play outside. Ryne had fun playing with Olivia and Reese enjoyed trying to share her food with Lily! It was a fun morning with friends!

I'm posting this on my phone and can't figure out if there is a way to rearrange the pictures and put captions. Boo!

Anyways, the random pictures of Reese were at the house before we went. She was looking super cute wearing shoes like such a big girl! And Ryne was looking pretty cute hanging with me while we let Reese take a little nap before we did a little shopping.
And the picture of Reese's foot was to show the bandaids on her toe. She drags one leg when she crawls and that poor toe keeps getting cut. That makes me a little ready for her to walk!

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