Saturday, July 7, 2012

Happy 4th!

We went to eat at Mojitos after the party.  That was the first time for the grandparents and I think they approved!  On the way home we got to stop at a local highschool to watch some fireworks.  It was a fun evening!

Ryne wanted to sit on the sun visor...nice and cushy!  ha!

The next day we hung out around the house until it was time to go watch more fireworks!  On the way we stopped by Toys R Us so Ryne could get another stuffed snake...awesome!  Then we headed to eat at MAD Pizza before going to Cross Church Pinnacle for fireworks!
Watch out Brittany...there is another snake lover coming up!  ha!

Ryne got some fake teeth at dinner and loved tricking people!

The fireworks at CC were amazing!  They were, in my opinion, the best out of the three we saw in NWA!  I am so happy to belong (for another week at least!) to such an amazing church that reaches out to the community in so many ways.  I actually took the real camera that night so I will post those pictures later.

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