Saturday, July 7, 2012

Cross Church fireworks...

Cross Church put on a huge fireworks show on Sunday.  They had baptisms before at like 6 and had live music the whole time.  There were tons of food vendors and some stuff for the kids to do.  We were super impressed with how well laid out everything was. We were also really impressed by the quality/length of the show.  They did a phenomenal job!  Pops and GranJan went with us and they enjoyed the show as well!

Getting ready to go...

All smiles!

 We had some time to kill once we got set up.  Ryne ran around alot and I had a hard time keeping Reese on the blanket!  Reese wants to be where her sissy is most of the time!

Sweet sisters!!!

getting closer!

It's time!

Ryne liked watching on the hill...

Some new buds came and sat by her as well...she is such a leader!  :)

Daddy joined her for a few as well...

The girls loved the show!

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