Friday, July 6, 2012

Reese's first ever birthday party!!

We had a great time celebrating Reese's birthday in a very low key way!  With us moving we decided to do a very small get together with family.  Here is a little glimpse of Reese's special day!

The decorations...

Since the party consisted of mainly adults...we had watermelons as party favors.  We also had goodie bags for the kids that consisted of bubbles, sidewalk chalk, watermelon air heads, watermelon sour patch kids, and a watermelon cup.  
The food table

Reese's super cute cake from Rick's.

Jeremy sneaking a nibble!
 The birthday girl and some guest...

Ryne and our sweet neighbor Olivia...

Reese and our sweet neighbor Lily!

Jimmy...such a cutie!

Sweet Cameron!
 The cake portion...
Reese didn't know what to think about everyone singing to her!

Big sis helping blow out candles!

Time to eat some cake!

J wiped some cake on her mouth!

She was just worried about getting away from the cake and to me!

You can't tell but she has a blueberry in her hand!  Beth put on  in the cake to so that she would eat it and it would at least look like she was eating her cake.  No go though...she was so weirded out by the cake that she didn't even want her favorite blue berries!

Straight in the tub!
 The presents...
Big sis close by to help open presents!

Poor girl was SO sleepy!

Silly sister thought she made a good present!

Ryne and Ava trying to open the big box!

Reese was over opening gifts about 5 minutes into it!  :)
We had such a good time visiting and celebrating our sweet little girl.  I still can't believe that she is one!  She is the sweetest little one year old and we absolutely adore her!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures,'s like Reese's party all over again...FUN, FUN, FUN!!! The watermelon theme was so cute and colorful...perfect for a summer birthday! You really should go into party planning...fantastic job! So...have you started planning Ryne's 5th's only 4 months away? :)
