Thursday, July 12, 2012

Last weekend in NWA...

We had a relaxing weekend before starting a crazy week! Jeremy went golfing Saturday morning so the girls and I hung out and tried to do a little packing...TRIED! Reese loves pulling things out of boxes. I am SO thankful that Abbott provided movers for us! Huge blessing!

Jeremy got home right in time for the rain to come! Ryne and I had a blast running around in the rain for awhile. Jeremy has videos but he is not allowed to post them of me! He said everyone will have alot of fun at my funeral watching them though! Ha! He likes to secretly record me being silly with the girls and he will suffer seriously if he ever leaks those videos! Ha!

We also had fun painting and Ryne had so much on her she turned the bath water purple! Yikes!

My cousin and her family came over Sunday for pizza and a GNO! The guys kept all the little girls and we went to a movie...such a fun night! Since we were not home with the kids, no pictures!

Enjoy the random insertion of pictures from the weekend! :)

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