Friday, January 27, 2012

NEW - Reese is 7 months!

Reese is 7 months old...I can't believe how fast she is growing up!  I so wish I could slow down time, or pause it for a little bit.  I LOVE this stage with her.  I've loved every stage so far though!  :)
love this sweet smile and lone dimple!

total sweetness!

the blue eyed twins!

it kinda looks like Reese is about to deck Ryne! ha!

Reese - you are such a wonderful part of our family.  You are so sweet and full of joy.  You are one of the easiest babies ever...except in the car!  ha!  You are sleeping about 11 hours at night and eating 4 times during the day.  You have tried just about every vegetable and fruit and love sweet potatoes, squash, and any fruit the most.  Go figure!  I have to sneak the green veggies in now that you've had the sweeter stuff.  I make some of your food and just give you jars of some.  You don't show a preference to one over the other though.  I can't tell you how much I love you!  I adore everything about you and I love you sweet carefree spirit.  You are content to just sit and play and have not shown any desire to crawl...that is fine by me!  I want you to stay my little immobile baby as long as possible!  ha!
You are so very loved by Mommy, Daddy, and big sis!

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