Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The last post on our CHRISTmas fun - Day 19 and 20...

Day 19 we baked and decorated some cookies.  Ryne did the majority of the work and she was so proud!  Who knows...she may be the next Betty Crocker!  :)

Love this little cookie monster!
 Day 20 we made a CHRISTmas present.  She decided she wanted to make it for Gi-Gi and then went to work!

finished product...she was so proud!
 While she worked on her canvas, I worked on mine.  My mom wanted me to make her something, so I did a "Class Rules" for her classroom.  Maybe it will help her keep her little ones in line!  ha!
We left for Texas the next day so that was the end of our scheduled 25 days of CHRISTmas.  We had plenty of CHRISTmas fun though even without a slip of paper to read! 

And of course I have to include this little cutie pie! 

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