Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The best present...

Is presence!  I have always heard that saying but only really got it when we had kids.  I love spending time with them and it is even more special during the holidays.  Ryne has been out of KDO for the past couple of weeks and we have had alot of girl time around here.  It's been great!  She loves to help me take pictures of Reese...probably because she views Reese as just a real life baby doll!  We had fun putting Reese in a box one day.  What a great present she is to all of us!

Of course my little poser jumped in on a couple.  She likes to have like 2 pictures taken of her and then she's done!  :)

I am trying to catch up on the blog but a certain little girl doesn't want to stay asleep tonight!  She is so sweet to rock though.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Sweet, sweet pictures! I saw the string of lights idea on Pinterest and meant to try it out too. Gotta love Pinterest for not only the ideas, but the inspiration! Glad y'all had a great Christmas and hate that we had to bail on New Year's. We need to schedule a get together soon though:)
