Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Girls just want to have f-un!

Ryne is all about the fun!  This girl thrives on activities and staying busy!  She was excited to be back in KDO last week.  We also got to go to gymnastics, MOPS, CEC, and spent lots of time outside. 

Pops and GranJan came in for the weekend.  We enjoyed spending the weekend with them!  Ryne got to spend some quality time with them Saturday and they went to Fun City Pizza.   She was one happy girl!  Saturday night Ryne helped me make dinner and dessert...or as she said - "special dessert"!  Of course she tried to eat all the oreos when she was suppose to be smashing them!  Who could blame her though, oreos are yummy!
There was no KDO yesterday because of MLK day.  Us girls just hung out around the house and had fun!  We played lots of games and spent some time outside.  It was beautiful but pretty windy. 
Ryne loves going in the house for sell on our street.  I think she just likes to hear her echo! 
 We had a little issue with one of the bike peddles.  No worries though, Ryne is pretty handy!  :)
Notice the hole in her leggings...she has worn out several pairs because she loves to crawl around and slide around the house.  I don't let her wear the hole-y leggings out, but no sense in making holes in her good leggings when we are at home right!?
 Reese had some fun too!  She enjoyed the watching Ryne outside as long as the wind didn't blow on her too much!  She also liked watching Ryne do gymnastics.  It is so hard to believe that she will be running around there before too long.  She is growing up so fast!  I think she might be working on some teeth.  She is constantly "chewing" on her tongue or anything she can get in her mouth.  I hope she isn't though because I will miss her gummy grin!  Oh, and nursing will probably take a turn for the worst when sharp little teeth start poking through!  ha!

Watching sissy do gymnastics!

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