Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Oddly pretty weather and weekend fun!

It has been unseasonably warm and we have been loving it!  Ryne has been able to ride her bike almost every day for the past week and she has gotten fast!
Little sis is content to hang out and watch her big sis.  It won't be long until she is running or riding right beside her!
On Friday we met our neighbors at Fun City Pizza and then went to the park with Daddy!  We let Ryne take her bike and she loved riding on the track around the park.  After riding for awhile she played and then wanted to run the track!  Once around the track is 1/2 mile.  She ran almost the whole time with just a couple stops for little breaks.  I was impressed!

Saturday was filled with parties!  We started with Cameron's 1st birthday party!  I can't believe he is already one!  The birthday boy seemed to have a good time!  I'm so glad we were able to help celebrate his first ever birthday!

Reese was happy to celebrate with her cousin!
The next stop was Dakota's 5th birthday!  She had her party at Leah's Gymnastics and Ryne loved being back were she got her gymnastic roots!  :)
Reese was pretty excited to see Mr. Myles again!  He was pretty excited to see her too and ended up planting one on her!  lol!

Reese was very curious about everything going on!  She loved watching all the kiddos running around!
Ryne was so happy to see "Kota" again!  She had so much fun helping celebrate her 5th birthday!
After Dakota's party we headed to meet the Blacks for dinner.  Of course we had to go to Sr. Tequila because really no trip to LR is complete without it!  Ryne was super excited to see Tucker again!  I love listening to their little conversations...pretty cute and comical!

It was a fun little trip!  It's always good to spend time with family and friends!

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