Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy 1/2 year sweet Reese!

I can't believe Reese is a whole 1/2 year old!  Where does the time go?!  It seems like she has been a part of our family forever but at the same time it seems like we just brought her home from the hospital. 

 Reese - you are such a wonderful addition to our family.  I can't imagine our lives without you!  You are so sweet and have started showing your funny side.  You play peek-a-boo like a little champ now.  It is so funny to watch you!  You will grab a burp rag or toy and hide behind it and then throw your arms down as fast as you can while smiling as big as possible!  It is the cutest thing ever!  You are your sister's biggest fan and just crack up when she is being silly for you.  You are so full of joy and brighten up any room with your smile.  You are 16lbs 10oz and are 25in.  You are the cutest little chunky monkey!  We all love you so much!  Happy 6 months baby girl!  You are growing up way too fast!

To celebrate, Reese tried rice cereal for the first time!  Yes, I said first time!  At her 4 month they said we could do it if we wanted to but didn't have to because she was obviously gaining like she should and sleeping we didn't.  She wasn't too sure about it at first, but ended up liking it okay.  Ryne had a blast feeding her! 

At first it was in and right back out!

Love that face!  lol!

I love that they are holding hands!

I asked Ryne if she wanted some and this was the look she gave me!  lol!

Yes, Ryne has on one of her favorite summer dresses...when we are at home I let her wear whatever her little heart desires!  :)
Next up...peas!!!

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