Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A year in review...

We didn't do anything this year for NYE.  We let Ryne stay up a little later than normal...and then watched a movie while we waited for the ball to drop.  We did get to reflect on what an eventful year we have had!  Who knew that 2011 would bring so many changes!  Not me!  We were laughing about how in denial I was about moving.  People would say they heard we were moving to NWA and I would always answer "we may be".  The funny thing is that Jeremy was working full time in NWA and we had listed our house.  I don't think it really hit me until I walked into the house on Pleasantwood and saw all our stuff boxed up.  Until then I just answered, we may be! lol!  The biggest change was welcoming our precious Reese!  That made 2011 an amazing year!

Jeremy started working in NWA January 2nd.  He had to do a couple overnights a week and on the nights he did come home he would get there late and leave early the next day.  Of course we had a lot of snow and Ryne and I were snowed in a few times without Daddy.  We enjoyed some girl time but missed the man of the house!

 February was filled with house hunting and "morning" sickness.  Ryne is such a little comedian and loved to go around saying she was me and acting like she was sick!  ha!  I think God definitely used her to help me make it through some rough days of being a very sick single mommy when J was in NWA.  She is such a funny little blessing!
 Jeremy hit the big 3-0 in March!  We had one last shindig at Pleasantwood - 80's Karaoke party!  After that we packed up and said goodbye to all our friends, family, home, church, and life.  It was hard, but I know everything happens for a reason and God is always in control!
I was 4ish months preggo...Jeremy is just hilarious!
April was spent just enjoying my baby girl!  I loved not having to work anymore and just getting to spend my days with Ryne!  We were park junkies and had so much fun figuring out all the fun stuff in NWA.
May was fun!  We had a last little family vacation with just the 3 of us.  Reese even got to go to her first Yankees game! 
8 months!
 June was filled with getting ready for Reese (no easy task when you are on bedrest!) and soaking up my time with just Ryne!  Then on June 27th we got to meet our sweet Reese!  She was so worth the rough pregnancy!  Our family feels complete!
 July was all about family!  Reese felt like she had always been with us.  Ryne was an amazing big sister from the start.  We are so very blessed!
In August Ryne start KDO.  She goes 2x a week and loves it!  It was so hard to put her in after being with her all day every day since March 7th.  But it has been great!  She adores her teachers and is always excited to go.  I like being able to spend some one on one time with just Reese...and get errands done a little easier!  :)
September...oh September...I turned 30!  Enough said!  ha!
October was filled soccer, soccer, and more soccer!  We also had alot of fun going to a few different pumpkin patches and doing all kinds of fall activities.
In November my baby girl turned 4!  Yikes! When did she get so grown?!  We celebrated with a cowgirl themes party and she was in heaven! 
 December was so special with our two girls!  We did so many fun things and we will treasure the memories of this year forever. 
It has been a crazy year full of many changes.  Every aspect of our lives changed.  But the most important thing, the only thing that matters, stayed the same.  We are still together, healthy, and happy.  We have 2 precious girls, a church we love, some great friends, and a God who is always faithful.  I can't wait to see what 2012 brings!

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