Thursday, September 1, 2011

What Ryne's been up to...

We signed Ryne up for KDO and Monday was her first day.  She had her lunch box and nap mat and was ready!  I'll have to post pictures of her nap's too cute!  Ryne loves it, and has been resting quietly on it!  :)  She isn't much of a napper any more. Of course I had to take some pictures of my big girl on her very first day of KDO! 

We had a little playdate at Boingo Bounce again this week and I tried to take pictures of Ryne in her cute dress before we went.  She was way more interested in trying to catch grasshoppers!  This girl is obsessed with bugs!  She always wants me to hold them, but I politely decline!  ha!

After coming home from Boingo Bounce, we decided to bake some cookies.  Ryne had picked out some cookie mix on our weekly shopping trip.  Of course it included sprinkles...her favorite!
BTW - the brown mark on her forehead is nutella from our banana and nutella snack!  :)

She thought she made some pretty yummy cookies!
AND some funnies from Ryne that I don't want to forget...

Ryne grabbed wipes to clean her kitchen the other day.  She went to town getting everything nice and clean...completely on her own...unprompted!  Made me a proud mommy!  ha!  During her cleaning she got her hand stuck in the wipe container and asked for help.  The problem was quickly solved when I told her to open her hand and drop the wipe, then pull it out!  After that we had to take the top off to get the wipes.  She said "oh, silly me"! 

The last time my parents were here they bought Ryne a baby doll...a really big baby doll!  One day Reese was sleeping in the swing in the living room. Ryne kept pushing the stroller (with the big baby in it) through the living room and it was really loud.  This is how our conversation went...
Me - Please stop pushing the stroller in her.
Ryne - But Mommy I have to take my baby to Wal-Mart.
Me - well, can you carry the baby to Wal-Mart.
Ryne - But Mommy, it's a humongous baby!

We went to a birthday party a couple weeks ago and Ryne kept asking where everyone was.  I asked her what she meant and she said "You know, Tucker, Adelyn, Dakota, Will, Ella, Max, Hudson, Elizabeth, Maddie, Caleb and all the others."  Poor girl misses her LR buds!  So do I!

Jeremy was about to pick Reese up from the swing and Ryne said "Wait!  Hey Mommy is it okay if Daddy holds Reese!"  lol!

I overheard Ryne playing with her Smurfs (another obsession right now).  She was asking one of them "why are you being so ornery?"  lol!

Ryne and I sing all the time.  We sing real songs, made up songs, even conversations.  One day I was being particularly dramatic and Ryne said "wow mommy, you sound just like Cinderella"!  I crack up even typing that!  Love my sweet precious girl.  It's inevitable, but it will be sad when I start embarrassing her!

We bought a treadmill and Ryne has walked on it a couple times (with us right beside her).  One day I asked her if she wanted to go faster.  She said "No, because I might fall off and hurt myself and we wouldn't want that to happen would we?"  No baby girl, we sure wouldn't!  :)

Ryne - you are so funny!  You can be a hand full at times, but you are so worth it!  Plus, I know your strong will and determination will help you do great things one day.  :)  I am crazy about you and absolutely love your personality!

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