Friday, September 2, 2011

Our week...

Well, we survived a couple first this week.  First KDO for Ryne and first cold for Reese!  I'm pretty sure the two went hand in hand!  Poor Reese, the her shots made her very clingy.  I've enjoyed the cuddle time but hated that she felt so awful!  She is on the mend now but still not 100%.

We still managed to have some fun though.  I love life with my girls!

sweet sisters!  I can just imagine them staying up late sharing secrets one day!

We have big plans to enjoy the weekend...even though the McNabs bailed on us!  :)  Tomorrow we are going to the park with the Hayes gang.  Tomorrow afternoon my parents are coming in.  We are planning on going to the festival at battle field park for a little while.  After that the guys are mainly watching football while mom and I sneak off to a movie! It should be fun!

1 comment:

  1. oh come on... atleast cut me some slack... i was on board to head up there! Its Brandons fault... he has to work tomorrow! Who works on Sundays? Isnt that against our religion? :)
