Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Labor Day Weekend...

We had a good weekend filled with lots of family!  On Saturday morning we met my cousin Sarah, Brant, Halli, and Aunt Kitty.  Our goal was to get some pictures of Halli because she is about to be 2!  I took a few of Ryne doing her thing as well!  The kids also got to run around and get some energy out...that is always a bonus!  :)  Aunt Kitty did a great job of keeping Reese happy despite the heat.  It was great to see them and visit for awhile.  We are very excited that they are moving back "home" in the near future and will be much closer to us!

The cute almost 2 year old!

Halli loves her some Reese!  It's hard to tell but Reese is smiling too so the feeling must be mutual! 

The three girls!

We grabbed lunch after at McD's and then headed home to meet up with my parents.  Mom and I decided to run out to the Prairie Grove Clothes Line festival while the guys watched football.  Reese stayed at home (sleeping on Daddy's chest!) and we took Ryne with us.  Unfortunately they shut down at 5:00 so we only had about an hour after we got there.  We both still managed to find a couple of things though!  Ryne even found a necklace she just had to have!  :)

After dinner, J and I went to a movie.  We watched Crazy Stupid Love and it really was pretty cute.  One part was hilarious!  However, that will be our last movie with Reese!  She didn't really fuss, but we took turns standing with her to make sure she didn't fuss.  She was wide-eyed until like the last 10 minutes.  I guess she liked the movie!  Ha!

Sunday my parents went to visit Grandma Martin.  I wish we could have gone but it is a 2+ hour drive and Reese HATES the car right now.  I'm hoping we can make the trip sometime soon though.  So we went to church and heard a great sermon.  I really like this church more and more every week.  After a yummy lunch we headed to a nearby park for some pictures.  Here are a few...

I love this tree because it looks like it has a heart on it!


I love this baby!
Sunday night we met lots of family in Stillwell at Charlie's Chicken...where else?!  We had a good time visiting.  For some it was their first time to see Reese.  Of course she pretty much slept through dinner and then woke up mad and hungry!  Ha!  A quick trip to the car made her her happy self again soon though.  :)

My parents left on Monday, but before they left we all went to the Clothes Line Festival again.  We found some more stuff we couldn't live without (including Ryne's birthday dress!) but mainly just enjoyed being outside in the gorgeous weather.  The rest of the day was filled with shopping.  I really haven't bought any Fall clothes for the girls so we did some shopping for that.  I love having girls but we may go broke dressing them!  lol! 

And now we are just soaking up the pretty weather we are having.  I hope it last for awhile!  :)

1 comment:

  1. So- this Clothes Line Festival...we should've planned our weekend trip around this?! Do they have them often??!! HA- sound fun to me and we all need new fall clothes around here:) Great pictures of the girls!
