Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Catching up...

The weather here has been a little crazy!  Some days its hot, some its cold...but it is much better than how it was in August!  We have been taking advantage of the cooler temps to play outside.  Ryne loves being outside!  We have also started being really active at our church.  Between KDO, Bible study, small groups, and seems like Ryne lives there!  lol!  We definitely keep busy between church stuff, soccer, dance, and well life!

 This sweet little girl is just loving life right now!  We are seriously so blessed!  Ryne is the funniest thing ever and Reese is just so sweet.  I love my girls!

hanging out after church.

so sweet!

sweet baby loving on her daddy

happy girl!

Reese was taking a little nap on daddy.  Made me laugh how stretched out she was!

We recently bought a treadmill and put it in our room.  Reese was laying on the bed "talking" while I was getting a little work-out in.  She was out in like 5 minutes!
 One day we were hanging out in the car waiting on a store to open.  It was a KDO day so it was just me and my littlest girl.  She was so stinkin' cute that I had to take a few pictures of her!  :)

Lots more to come!

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