Monday, September 19, 2011

Not me Monday...

I haven't participated in "Not Me" Monday...but thought it might be fun!  :)

I did not let my husband and baby girl run to the car in the pouring rain and stay under the shelter of a tree just so I could take a picture and laugh!  I also did not leave mine and my hubby's iphones in the stroller cup holders while they filled up with rain water!
I would never sit outside of church just waiting for childcare to open and let my 3 year old stand out of the window so she could see when her friends got there.  I would also never let her lay all over her baby sister.  :)

 I did not sit in my car taking phone pics of sweet baby Reese while waiting on Crazy 8 to open.  I also did not pull out the big camera and squat in my seat with my rear in the air to get a few good shots of her smiling when I realized I had my real camera!

 I did not just realize that I am 3+ years behind scrapbooking.  I do not have hundreds of dollars worth of scrapbooking stuff filling up my closet.  I also did not just order pictures from 2009!!

I did not question what my daughter was saying when she told daddy he was being a real bench.  We never once thought she was saying anything other than bench and didn't have to ask her what she meant by bench.  (She was sitting on his knee and literally meant that he was acting like a bench! ha)

On an unrelated much are you loving the weather!!!  We enjoyed some time outside this afternoon.  Reese went on her first walk!  I pushed Reese in the stroller and Ryne rode her tricycle.  Ryne ended up walking/running with me after a little while.  She can run for a long time!  Anyone know of any small kid marathons?  I think she would love something like that!
love this crazy girl!

Those shoes were put on just for playing outside...she had on cute ballet flats before that!  :)
So what have you not been doing lately?!


  1. Love it! Hope the iPhones recovered from the rain. Fun post!

  2. I so got a kick out of reading this...and of course I love the pictures. I do hope the phones are not not cool...and I am extremely happy/relieved that Ryne was comparing Jeremy's knee/lap to a bench. Phew!!! At least you ordered the pics...and I'm sure you will get around to using all the scrapping supplies you have...sooner or later. You have been just a touch busy. I love you...enjoy your final days as a 20-something young woman! :)
