Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Happy 2 month birthday!

I can't believe that Reese is 2 months old already!!  I am trying to get monthly pictures on the 27th each month.  Saturday was the 27th, so I snapped some pics in the backyard before it got too hot.  

We see this face alot!  :)

love those chunky legs!

I can't tell you how much I love this sweet face!

baby girl is full of smiles and laughs!

Reese Finley - you are absolutely precious!  You are so happy pretty much all the time.  You love to watch us and try to mimic our faces.  Your sister can make you smile!  You are still a little grunter...but we love your sweet noises!  We are so blessed to call you ours!

1 comment:

  1. Pretty girl- cute little tooshie! Love the 2 month pictures:)
