Thursday, September 29, 2011

My 30th birthday weekend...

So the birthday I have dreaded happened and it really wasn't that bad.  :)  I am just choosing to not think about how I'm half way to 60! (Thank you Lance! ha!)  I decided to make the weekend all about the girls...well Ryne really.  Reese doesn't really care where we go or what we do yet!  We started out by driving to Little Rock on Thursday night.  Reese had her very first hotel stay!  The trip there took us a little longer than we thought so we all crashed as soon as we got there.  Friday morning we woke up and headed to Verizon to watch Disney Live - Princess Stories.  Mickey, Minnie and the gang read stories about 3 princesses - Snow White, Cinderella, and Belle.  It was a really cute play and Ryne LOVED it!

getting ready to take our princesses to see the princesses!

Posing outside of Verizon.

The Hayes gave Ryne this cute Snow White dress for her birthday last year.  She loves it!

Walking to our seats...we were on the floor...front row center

waiting patiently

It's Snow White!

The Wicked Queen...which happened to be a man!

so blurry...but gotta love the dwarfs!

next up...Cinderella!

Bippity Boppity Boop!

Dancing during intermission!

sweet girl slept during most of it!


All together for the final song

goodbye, goodbye...just imagine that in sweet princess voices!  lol!

We were clobbered by confetti!

love my girls!

 After the play we picked up lunch and headed to Jump Zone.  We had the place pretty much to ourselves so I got to play with Ryne!  Man, that was a work-out!  I had so much fun running around with my big girl though!

The big squeeze is hard to get through!  Ryne helped pull!  :)
 Jeremy had to meet with somebody for a little bit so we dropped him off and went shopping for a little while.  Once he finished up we went to CrossRoads to get my birthday present...some new boots!  Ryne found some that she really wanted but 1- they weren't very cute and 2 - they were $80!  So they stayed there and she settled for a cow!  :)  After shopping it was time to meet up with my family for dinner.
Rocking and waiting...
 After dinner we all headed back to Brad and Beth's house.  The girls were going to see The Help, but the timing didn't work out.  We did enjoy just hanging out and visiting though so it was probably for the best.  The next morning my parents brought over a ton of donuts so we were able to get our sugar fix for the day!  We got to get a picture of them with all their grandkids!
 After hanging out for a little while we headed to see some friends at a craft fair.  Amanda and Jaime had booths there full of their cute creations!  It was Jaime's first time to meet Reese so I had to take a picture.  I am dying to meet her new little guy!!
 After that it was on to the zoo with the Sanders.  It was the perfect day for it!  Ryne and Adelyn picked up like it hadn't been months since they had been together.  They held hands for most of the day and shared little jokes.  Love those sweet girls!
Ryne was a fan of the double stroller...probably because Adelyn was in it!

Mallory and Ryne's first Zoo playdate!  They are 7 weeks apart.  Adelyn and Ryne are 4 weeks apart...pretty cool!

petting a snake!

Sweet silly friends!

love these girls!

And of course love this girl and guy!
We had such a great time seeing friends and family.  We missed seeing some, but hopefully next trip!  Plus we have a camping trip and GWL trip in the works!  :)


  1. Whew- makes me tired just reading all the stuff you fit into a weekend! Hate we missed seeing y'all but we'll hopefully get together soon. We're planning a GWL trip too! I think the boys will love it:)

  2. WOW~ you guys did so much! Did you take time to sleep? I LOVED seeing you guys and I LOVED LOVED LOVED meeting Miss Reese! Thanks for coming by to see us! ;)
