Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Motivation and other stuff...

Jeremy has gotten really serious about working out.  He has an awesome goal for next summer and I know he can do it if he puts his mind to it.  If you want to follow his journey, check out his blog - http://www.365togold.blogspot.com/.  Anyways, he has a pretty cute little work-out buddy/motivator!  :) 

Trying out some push-ups!

She yelled at him through her megaphone (AKA funnel!) anytime he stopped jumping rope!  lol!
 I survived my first Wal-Mart trip with both girls!  It really wasn't too bad.  Ryne was so good and Reese slept right up until we were checking out...then she screamed her little head off until we walked out to the car!  She went right back to sleep though so Ryne and I decided a trip to Sonic was in order.  She got an ice cream and I got a cherry vanilla dr. pepper,  There really isn't anything better!  :)
 We had our neighbor over for a little playdate.  Ryne and Olivia played while Lianna shopped for Olivia's party the next day.  Ryne loved having a little friend over to play with.

 After Olivia went home, Ryne and I decided to bake a cake for Papaw and Gi-Gi coming in.  She used the blender BY HERSELF for the first time and yes I had to clean chocolate off the back splash!  lol!  This cake was so so yummy!  It was just a box cake mix but then you poke holes and top with caramel and sweetened condensed milk...then top that with whip cream and candy bars...so good and super easy!!

 This is what sweet Reese was doing while we baked!  Oh how I love this baby girl!

1 comment:

  1. I tried to read Jeremy's blog but it is invitation only! PICK ME PICK ME! :)
