Thursday, August 18, 2011

Iphone pics...

Reese is full of smiles!  I can't always grab a real camera in time, but my phone is always close by!  I can't get enough of her sweet sweet smiles!

Operation get in shape has officially started!  It has been so hot so one day Ryne and I decided to do Pilates while Reese napped.  She put on her work-out gear and was ready!
Ryne's summer dance class has come to an end.  We start back up in September though.  She has really enjoyed dancing her little heart out!

We had a playdate in the park one day this week.  The weather ended up being great for it.  It wasn't too hot and even sprinkled a little which was kinda nice!  Reese mainly hung out with me and snoozed away!  Ryne made a new little friend named Maksim.  He was 4 and ran faster than Ryne!  If you have seen Ryne run you know that is pretty fast!

We tried a gymnastics class this week and Ryne loved it - of course!  I don't know if we are going to sign her up though because when dance and soccer start those will keep us busy enough.  We'll see.

I have lots more to post, just not much time!  My little girls are keeping me busy!

1 comment:

  1. Does this mean that Jaime needs to jump on the Operation Get In Shape Bandwagon for our 1/2 marathon?
