Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dancing Queen...

Ryne has been taking a dance class and LOVES it!  We started at the one Belle goes to and it is a great program.  They are doing tap and ballet.  Ryne gets so excited when she knows it's dance class day!

Little camera + not being able to use the flash = terrible pics!

Hard to see but Ryne is in the middle.

She is such a good tap dancer!

It is so fun to see her out there doing her thing.  She listens so well to the teachers and tries to do all the moves.  She even wanted to teach me at home!  Daddy wanted to learn and she laughed so hard and said that boys didn't do ballet!  :)

1 comment:

  1. I love that they get to dance with feather boas! Cute!
    (Is this blog private or not yet?! It is showing updates so I guess it's not??)
