Friday, August 26, 2011

Weekend visitors...

We had some visitors last weekend!  Poppy, GranDi, and Lance came to meet the newest addition.  Reese thought Poppy was pretty funny!

Poppy is an amazing cook!  We were excited when he grilled us steaks and veges one night.  They were yummy!!  His was a cooking was treat and we very much enjoyed it!  While he slaved over the grill, we kept him company outside.  Ryne found this butterfly that she tortured played with.  Poor guy didn't stand a chance!

Happy girl!

This is Molly...she is the sweetest dog!

This is Sissy...I love her dark hair!

Reese is all smiles these days!

Ryne must be laughing at Uncle Lance!

GranDi getting some snuggle time.
It was a nice and relaxing visit.  We enjoyed every second!

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