Thursday, August 18, 2011

The past week or so...

This is a hodgepodge of stuff from the past couple of weeks.  We had some visitors!  Pops and GranJan came in for a visit as well as some friends from LR.  The Scott's came to meet Reese!  Ryne and Ella had some play time and made some pretty cute princesses!

We went to Braum's one night with Pops and GranJan and Ryne decided she was hungry enough to eat straight ketchup!  After some yummy burgers (they are seriously good!) we went to the park to let Ryne burn off some energy!

Check out those blue eyes!

and those beautiful brown eyes!
We had RAIN!  Yay!  We were so happy that we decided to run around and play in it!  Well, until it started thundering and lightening...then we ran inside!

Green smoothie...yummy!  We made green smoothies one day and Ryne loved them!  She wasn't sure when she saw me putting "salad" in (aka spinach leaves).  But she tried it and really liked it. She said it was delicious!  :)

This is to prove to you that my child does have clothes!!  She is going through a phase right now and seriously only wears like 4 dresses...over and over again!!!  I'm sure this will pass and for now I am picking my battles!  BTW - that's just her dresses.  She has a dresser full of shorts, capris, pants, leggings and shirts as well.
We decided to eat out at Showgun's Friday night and man was it good!  Ryne loved watching him cook and was really happy when she learned that the chef's name was Ryan!  She thought that was pretty cool!

Saturday we ran some errands and then decided to go watch a movie.  Ryne has been doing great during movies and with it being so hot here, we have been going alot!  The movie theater we went to in Rogers has a really great outdoor mall.  They also had some fun activities out for kids to do.  One is a trampoline bounce that Ryne is dying to do but you have to be at least 50lbs.  Bummer.  But she was able to do this one where you're in an inflated ball and you float on top of the water.  She really liked it!
After the movie...Ryne loved it and Reese slept!  :)

waiting her turn

sitting pretty!

Yesterday we went to Boingo Bounce to play for a little bit.  We pretty much had the place to ourselves and Ryne loved every second!

happy girl!

and Reese slept!

Today we had our neighbors over to play.  Ryne was in a mood and melted down about everything!  We still have those days but thankfully they are much more spread out now.  Maybe by 4 they will be completely gone!  :)  Any one else still have days/moments like that?

I still have some fun pictures on the real camera...but not tonight.  It's time to cuddle with a sweet baby girl!  


  1. Love me some Braum's! Their cappuccino chunky chocolate is the BEST!!! Try it, then eat an extra gallon for me! :)

    Ella def still has her moments. Yesterday at Isabel's she cried over everything. I finally put her in timeout until she decided to play nice (she chose to stay for about 25 min), and the rest of the morning went better. So frustrating.

  2. Cute Cute Pictures! I say that when the McNabs come to visit we go meet the other Ryan! Just sayin'! PS - Brandon has to work Labor Day weekend.... so that plan is out the door!
