Tuesday, March 1, 2016

February fun...

February has come and gone, too quickly!  But we enjoyed it!  February was spent playing, playing, playing!
just a little yoga
 Anyone else have constant playroom battles?!  It looks like this way too often for this neat freak momma!

 February was super nice…which means we must play outside!

 The girls invited a friend to the movies with us one night…Kung Fu Panda was super cute!
 Oh these nuts!!!
 Ryne just happened to pick out a whole outfit that looks just like what my friend Katie would wear!  So funny but cute too!
 This kid is amazing with magnets and puzzles!  It's her favorite.

 We had fun spoiling our teachers for V-day!

 When february feels like summer…you need ice cream!  Even if more ends up on your nose than mouth!

 Another day, another magnet animal!
 Ahh…her laugh!  I wish I could bottle it up!

 As room mom I got to do a classroom door!
 thumbs up for no cavities...

but this one has braces in her near future.  :(
 Walking home with friends is always more fun!
 We've also been stocking up on clothes for baby brother!
The most amazing part of February was getting to announce that it is official that this little guy will soon be a Francis!  We grow more in love with him every single day!

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