Thursday, March 17, 2016

Cabo…day 5

We decided to go on a little whale watching pirate ship on our last day in Cabo.  We were all pretty excited about the day!

We had a small group, and our girls were the only kids!  That meant they had the whole stage for dancing!
They danced their little hearts out until we started moving!  ;)

We headed out all smiles!

The whales were jumping!  We saw so many!  We had to go WAY out though to see them and the water was rough.  I started feeling it big time and had to retreat to the back of the boat and just pray for land!

They brought out a big spread for breakfast...
and then we headed back...

I was thrilled to get into calmer water and to see land!
We walked around for awhile...

let the girls do a little shopping...
and this was Reese as soon as we got in the taxi...
we ate lunch as soon as we got back to the resort and Reese did this...
But then she woke up ready to go!  She we headed to the pool!

Then we hit the beach one last time...

Reese and I hung out building sand castles while Jeremy and Ryne braved the cold water...

this girl loves the sand!

then we decided to have one last dip in the pool...

and way too soon it was time to dry off and head back to our room...

We got ready for our last dinner… :(
Reese wanted a picture of the back of her sweet dress...
We enjoyed dinner (Reese mainly liked her virgin strawberry daiquiri!) and then headed to find an atm so we would have cash for our taxi in the morning.  That was a fun experience!  We knew how many pesos we needed but had no idea what that meant in our money!  lol!  Then we headed back to our room to pack and get ready for our super early flight.

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