Friday, March 4, 2016

Happy birthday Jeremy!

Jeremy turned the big 3-5!  When did we gropw up?!  Reese and I worked hard on a banana pudding cake...

 Then we met Daddy for a birthday lunch...
 Reese does not like Chinese food (2 weeks in China may be rough for her!), so I brought her something else.
 After daddy got home from work it was time for a little cake…before dinner!  We let him open some presents too!  ;)

 This cake was super time consuming but oh my goodness it was good!
 After eating cake we headed to how favorite - Chuy's.  We enjoyed dinner and then the girls wanted some pictures...
 Birthday boy and his two girls!

 then Reese wanted one solo...
 Ryne wanted one with me...
 so of course Reese did too!
We had such a fun night celebrating our #1 guy!

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