Sunday, March 13, 2016

Cabo…day 1

We were not really thinking about daily light savings when we booked our 6am flight!  But, we made it to the airport in what felt like the middle of the night and these two cuties were ALL smiles!  It was a pretty easy/empty first leg of our trip.
Before long we were n the air!

We had a layover in Mexico City.  It took us forever to get through customs!  But then we had time to spare...

and then before we knew it we were in Cabo!

It was a bit stressful getting to our resort (everyone wanted to take us!), so we were happy when we finally made it!

We checked out our room and this cool patio area from our personal patio...

then it was beach time!

Let me just take a second to brag on my amazing husband.  That water was COLD!  I could only handle it up to my knees…he was a trooper!

I preferred to hang out and play in the sand!  ;)
We had a blast enjoying the beach!  Reese was loving discovering little treasures!  We left with two tired little girls!

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