Saturday, August 2, 2014

July fun...

We have been making the most of summer for sure!  We enjoyed more playdates, pool time, park time, snuggles, some house stuff, and lots of together time!
naps in Mommy's bed are the best!
 We love our church family!  We are going to miss so many of these sweet friends when we move!
 One of my bff's from college came in town and it was SO good to see her!  I haven't seen Amanda in probably 11 or 12 years but it was like we hadn't been apart at all!  Love this precious girl and her friendship!
 We enjoyed even more pool time…we are so going to miss that as well!

 When it cooled of in the evenings, we enjoyed some walks!  On this walk we released the turtle into the wild!  ;)

 It may not look like it, but Reese loved Ryne dragging her into the water!  lol!

 I had lots of help washing the pups!

 We ate some yummy food!
 and we bought a new house!!

 We had some fun at CEC...
 and visited our house again...
 We tried out an awesome trampoline park with the Hunsickers!

 Ryne taught Belle some new tricks...
 and we hung out at McD's during showings!
 Ryne painted Reese's nails...

 and did a great job!
 and we enjoyed snow cones!  My favorite part of summer!

 I had a girls night with my big girl…movie time!

 She gave her past quarters to a little girl that wanted to play…so sweet!

We slept on the couch together…that's love! 

Ryne left us sweet notes to find...

 and snoozed on the couch with the pup...

 we fed rabbits.  What you haven't feed rabbits veggies out of a cowgirl hat?!

 and were just silly!

 we did some baking...

 and playing...

 and thought about getting rid of this dog...

 we couldn't do it!

 We celebrated GranJan's birthday!
 and helped out at church...
 and we had second thoughts about this dog...
 We ended the month with a Yankee game!  Go Yanks!
July was fun, but August was the start of a whole new life!

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