Monday, August 11, 2014

Settling in...

The rest of the week was spent organizing and discovering...
We also had a Forney friend come in for a visit!  Adam and Reese just happen to eat spaghetti the same way!  ;)
 On Friday we headed back to the big D!  It was Success School and there was no way we were missing it!  We checked into the hotel and found some goodies...
 Then we met up with some of our team and started the weekend off.  It was AMAZING!

this may have been a favorite part!  ;)
 We were all starving so we headed to IHOP around 10:00.  Nothing like yummy pancakes around 11! ha!  The place was PACKED full of SS-ers!
 Saturday was filled with more awesomeness!  I can't even describe how amazing the whole experience is!  After a full day we met the Francis bunch to celebrate Jeff's birthday!

 The next morning we got to attend Chapel with Michael W. Smith.  It was so incredible.  Seeing so many people worshipping God in Cowboys Stadium…just unbelievable!
 The time after chapel was great as well.  We enjoyed every second of the weekend!  We were ready to get our little crazies back though!  :)

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