Thursday, July 31, 2014

Oklahoma or bust!

The movers showed up bright and early on Wednesday.  It didn't take long for boxes to fill our house!  I actually took the girls to meet PaPaw and GiGi for a little bit.  I didn't take a single picture because we met them at a McD's and the girls played while we visited.  It was nice!  After our impromptu visit we headed home to see the progress. We were surprised by a visitor!  A church friend - Adam came by with his pups while they were having a showing at their house.  The girls loved torturing playing with them!  :)
 Ryne snuggled up to our sweet pup Belle on what we thought was her last day with us.  We couldn't go through with it though!
 Reese snuck cinnamon rolls that I had bought for the movers!
 That night we watched Big Brother on my computer after we laid down the girls because our tv's were already unhooked!
 The next morning I took the girls to another McD's to play for awhile.  It was much easier for everyone if we stayed out as much as possible!  ;)
 We came home to this...
 Reese was a little sad so we spent some time snuggling on the porch...

 That night we met some friends for one last night swim!  We should have gotten a group picture, but we are going to miss the Ayers and Frasers so much!

 Ryne, Reese, and Maddie hanging out in the car!
 Getting a little bored with all the grown-ups chatting!
 The next morning we had a little visit from the Driscolls.  We are going to miss them too!  We saw them like 5 times a week!  They were our gym and pool buddies!
I think after they left it really hit Ryne that we were moving!  She got pretty quiet.  

GranJan was coming to take Reese for a little one on one time…so we took our big girl out!  It seemed to really lift her spirits!  

 After we re-grouped. Reese watched a little show and snoozed on and off...
 Then before we knew it, everything was gone!!  I did a quick clean and Jeremy touched up paint…and then we loaded up.

bye-bye Somerset…we loved it here!
our last time leaving our house!
 We just made it to Frisco that night and stayed the night at a pretty cool hotel.  It was really nice, but they allowed dogs!  The girls loved the balcony!

 It didn't take long until everyone crashed hard!

It was a busy few days, but we are excited about what Oklahoma holds!

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