Sunday, August 31, 2014

August fun...

August was a bog month full of changes…new state, new home, new school, new church, new gym, new soccer team…just new!  Thankfully we all still have each other and still know how to have fun!

 Some things are the same…Reese still LOVES to nap in this chair!  :)
 Fun places to ride!

and LOTS of frogs!  The girls love it…me, not so much!  ha!

 same silliness...

 different Splash Pad...

 same puzzles, different floor!
 same ice cream, different McD's...

 new parks...

 New library!
 New soccer practice field...
 Same soccer all-star!
 We did make a trip back to Texas and the girls were up to the same shenanigans!  ;)  Meet Ryne the magician!

 This little cutie made me a Spark one morning!  She nows it makes a happy mommy!  ;)
 New church and an awesome class for Ryne!
 Love the sweet sisters!

 This has become my FAVORITE Sunday afternoon activity!  Sundays begin with a LONG run, church, lunch, naps, then game night.  It's pretty awesome!
 We sometimes squeeze in family walks too.  :)

 We got to spend a few hours getting new licenses as well!

Reese was silly but SO good during our long wait!

 Goodbye Texas…Hello Oklahoma!

Ryne got to put in a new earring!  
New Target, same sweet girl!
 She's gotten big but still not big enough to drive! ;)
 New gym!  Ryne LOVES it, Reese only likes it if Ryne is with her.  :(

 Reese loves riding now too!

 lots of snuggles!

 and even more craziness!

That was August in a nutshell!  :)

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