Sunday, August 3, 2014

Goodbye Somerset!

It was so bittersweet packing up and leaving our Texas home.  We made some wonderful memories and fantastic friendships that I know will carry on.  
As long as I have these 3, I have all I need!

 We only made it to Plano before stopping for the night.  We found a really nice pet friendly hotel…so all the girls were happy!

 The next morning we packed up and started our journey to Oklahoma!

 We made it a few hours before closing to do the final walk-through...

 Then we closed on our new home AND went ahead and made it official with an Okie license plate!
 We stayed the night in a hotel so of course we checked out the pool!

 The next morning was a McD's breakfast followed by more swimming...

 Then we went to our home sweet home!
 We didn't have any furniture…so we camped out for a couple of nights!  :)

 The girls had a blast "camping".  We made some pretty sweet memories in our new home!

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