Saturday, July 21, 2012

Goodbye Shells Court...

It was sad to say goodbye to Shells Court.  We have loved our time in NWA!  We loved the friends we made, loved our church and loved our small group. We also loved our neighborhood, neighbors, and our home.  We had our house listed on Friday, June 1st.  We had a contract on it Friday, June 8th.  So bittersweet that it happened so soon.  Since I don't think I ever got around to posting pictures of when we moved are pictures of our house when we were moving out!

Goodness I miss this backyard!
We loved living in Farmington!  I am sure that Forney will be full of new adventures though.  It will soon feel like home because home is wherever my loves are!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Last weekend in NWA...

We had a relaxing weekend before starting a crazy week! Jeremy went golfing Saturday morning so the girls and I hung out and tried to do a little packing...TRIED! Reese loves pulling things out of boxes. I am SO thankful that Abbott provided movers for us! Huge blessing!

Jeremy got home right in time for the rain to come! Ryne and I had a blast running around in the rain for awhile. Jeremy has videos but he is not allowed to post them of me! He said everyone will have alot of fun at my funeral watching them though! Ha! He likes to secretly record me being silly with the girls and he will suffer seriously if he ever leaks those videos! Ha!

We also had fun painting and Ryne had so much on her she turned the bath water purple! Yikes!

My cousin and her family came over Sunday for pizza and a GNO! The guys kept all the little girls and we went to a movie...such a fun night! Since we were not home with the kids, no pictures!

Enjoy the random insertion of pictures from the weekend! :)

Last fun city playdate!

We had our very last Fun City Pizza playdate on Friday with our neighbors. We were Friday regulars there when it was too hot or cold to play outside. Ryne had fun playing with Olivia and Reese enjoyed trying to share her food with Lily! It was a fun morning with friends!

I'm posting this on my phone and can't figure out if there is a way to rearrange the pictures and put captions. Boo!

Anyways, the random pictures of Reese were at the house before we went. She was looking super cute wearing shoes like such a big girl! And Ryne was looking pretty cute hanging with me while we let Reese take a little nap before we did a little shopping.
And the picture of Reese's foot was to show the bandaids on her toe. She drags one leg when she crawls and that poor toe keeps getting cut. That makes me a little ready for her to walk!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Frogs and Bananas

A certain 4 year old is wild about bugs, lizards, and frogs!  She actually tried to sneak this little guy in but he jumped out of her hands in the kitchen.  Yep, I screamed like the girl I am and wouldn't help catch it!  Of course Ryne thought it was hilarious!  Silly girl!
This little girls LOVES bananas!  She can scarf a banana down in like 60 seconds.  Pretty impressive!  :)

Cute little banana lover!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

More birthday-ish pictures...

It is still crazy to me that my baby girl is already one!  We took some pictures of her and Ryne a couple weeks ago, kinda for her birthday and kinda because I had just got in some cute matching dresses!  :)  I put her in the same basket that I used for a picture when she was a couple weeks, what a difference a year makes!

Who would have thought this dark hair, dark skin baby would turn into a light headed, light skinned baby?!  Precious both ways!

Oh how Reese adores Ryne!

ALWAYS looking for bugs!

love her little hair blowing in the breeze!  :)

Not a fan of grass!

There's our happy girl again!

I love having girls!!!  I love seeing them love each other and I hope they grow up being the very best of friends!