Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Happy 2 month birthday!

I can't believe that Reese is 2 months old already!!  I am trying to get monthly pictures on the 27th each month.  Saturday was the 27th, so I snapped some pics in the backyard before it got too hot.  

We see this face alot!  :)

love those chunky legs!

I can't tell you how much I love this sweet face!

baby girl is full of smiles and laughs!

Reese Finley - you are absolutely precious!  You are so happy pretty much all the time.  You love to watch us and try to mimic our faces.  Your sister can make you smile!  You are still a little grunter...but we love your sweet noises!  We are so blessed to call you ours!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Yay for Friday!

Yay for Friday!  We are looking forward to having some down time.  We have a few things to get done, but we plan on just relaxing for the most part and doing something fun.  I am hoping to get pictures of Reese tomorrow because she will be 2 months old!  It is amazing (and sad!) how fast time is going by!

We've had a good week.  Monday we grocery shopped and Ryne was such a big helper!  We had to reward ourselves with Sonic happy hour!  :)  Tuesday we took care of some things around the house.  Wednesday we had a playdate at Boingo Bounce in the am.  Wednesday night we went to small groups.  Ryne loved playing again and we enjoyed meeting some other couples!  Thursday we had open house for KDO.  We got to meet Ryne's teachers and they are both so sweet!  Ryne is going to have a blast!  Thursday night Daddy got both girls to himself while I went for a much needed GNO!  I met a couple new girls and had some kid free time!  Today we played next door for a few hours.  Ryne played great and had a lot of fun!

Something notable in my book.  Reese slept 9 hours straight!  She has gotten to where she sleeps until somewhere between 5-7am.  If she wakes up before 7am, she goes back to sleep as soon as she eats.  If it is 7, then she eats and then stays up for about an hour before crashing again.  Now if only I could make it to bed before midnight we would be golden!  :)

 Ryne decided to make her and Reese a tent!  She is such a great big sister!

Painting during Open House...

Making a hand print...
Sweet Reese has been enjoying some play time on the mat solo too!  She tries to bat at the rattles and loves looking in the mirror!  She is so precious!

We have very few bath pictures because Ryne and I typically give Reese her bath during the day while Daddy is at work.  I never know if Reese is going to topple over, so I keep a hand on her all the time and can't get any pics.  She does love her bath time though.  She normally smiles and watches her big sis!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!  I know we are planning on enjoying every minute!

Weekend visitors...

We had some visitors last weekend!  Poppy, GranDi, and Lance came to meet the newest addition.  Reese thought Poppy was pretty funny!

Poppy is an amazing cook!  We were excited when he grilled us steaks and veges one night.  They were yummy!!  His was a cooking was treat and we very much enjoyed it!  While he slaved over the grill, we kept him company outside.  Ryne found this butterfly that she tortured played with.  Poor guy didn't stand a chance!

Happy girl!

This is Molly...she is the sweetest dog!

This is Sissy...I love her dark hair!

Reese is all smiles these days!

Ryne must be laughing at Uncle Lance!

GranDi getting some snuggle time.
It was a nice and relaxing visit.  We enjoyed every second!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Rainy day fun!

It has been HOT! So, when we saw the rain coming down, we had to go play in it!  Reese was napping, so Ryne and I grabbed our rainboots for a little playtime outside.  Ryne had so much fun splashing and playing in the rain.  It felt awesome and cooled things off for a couple of days.  It is currently HOT again though.  I am so so ready for Fall!

Rain, please come back again soon!  :)