Tuesday, December 1, 2015

November fun...

It's November baby!  November is one of my favorite months.  Weather cools off (but isn't cold), you get a break from school for Thanksgiving, pumpkins, pumpkins, pumpkins, and the best yet…Ryne's birthday!  We also had some heartbreak this year…but I am going to focus on the good in this post.

walking to and from school is way nicer when it isn't 90+ degrees!  Although we came close a few times!

arms up and a sweet carry me mommy…works every time!
 So one day Reese was just not feeling her outfit.  She was super upset so I was trying to help her find something else to wear.  She cried "All my clothes are too cute, I just want normal clothes" over and over.  Bless her heart!  ;)
 oh, soccer fields!
 love this cutie!
 We visited the Consulate a couple times in November!
 I found a certain little girl's sunglasses and bug in my sunglass case!
 Ryne played in a very wet game!
 and she fell in love with her Itouch!
 this girl found the need for speed...
 and love for hopscotch!

 we played a lot...
 and were silly a lot...

 notice the toys in the basket!  This girl always carries toys with her!
 We enjoyed Thanksgiving lunch with Ryne...

 and I got sweet text from her!
 Reese broke out her tree a little early...
 Belle joined us on our walk to school...
 and Reese napped!
 We brought teacher gifts...

 helped out at Ryne's school...
 tried a new marker lipstick!
 dropped off lots of shoe boxes...
 and rocked some flannel!  ;)
November, we love you!  Please be a nicer next year though!

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