Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas with the Martins...

We headed to Arkansas the day after Christmas for a fun couple of days with my side.  We got there in time for a little rough housing...
 The next day Brad's gang joined the fun.  Before they got there Ryne and Reese were hard at work decorating cupcakes...

 After they got there we ate lunch and then got ready for presents...
 but first the story of Jesus' birth...
 love my bro...
 let's take a selfie...

We opened, laughed, opened more.  It was a fun time!  The rest of the day was spent with cousins playing, grown-ups chatting and playing games, and just having a good time.  They settled in for a movie and I found Reese like this!
The next day we all ate breakfast together and then Jeremy took turns pushing the kids outside.  

 Then it was time for goodbyes...

We had a great time!  It is always so refreshing to see and spend time with family!

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