Saturday, December 19, 2015

Super fun day...

We decided to each spend some one on one time with our girls!  I took Ryne for a fun day out while Reese and Daddy had a fun day in!  Our first stop was Panera...
 Then we were off to our paint class!

 We had so much fun hanging out, eating snacks, and painting!  
 While we were out painting, Reese was in painting a tea set with daddy!
Then we all met for lunch at ChickFilA!  Ryne and I were matching so we needed a picture...
 Next up we headed to our clubhouse for some Santa fun...

 He was the sweetest Santa!

 Then it was time for some cookie decorating...
 Animal petting...

 Pony riding...

Hayride riding...


What a great day with our girls!

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