Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Gaylord...

After we left the Wells, we headed to the Gaylord hotel!  The girls knew we were staying somewhere, but they were super excited when they found out how cool our hotel was!  ;)
 We walked around and enjoyed all the fun decorations...

 then we ate some yummy mexican food...

 then we walked some more...

 silly girls!
 The girls enjoyed some people watching from our balcony...

 and were so surprised that our elves made the trip!
 the next day we were ready for some ICE fun!

 First up was snow tubing!  Reese was not a fan!
 But Ryne loved it!

 So we took turns going with Ryne and hanging with Reese...

 Jeremy and Reese made a run back to the room while Ryne and I finished up.  We waited for them in the warmer lobby...

 of course that means silly pics need to happen!  ;)

 There they are!
 time for ICE!
 It was cold…but so neat what they can do with Ice!

It was really neat, but really cold!  We were ready to warm up with hot chocolate and cupcakes!  

 this crazy didn't want hot chocolate…she wanted a snow cone!  

After enjoying our yummy treats it was time to go home.  We enjoyed our little getaway though!

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