Monday, November 30, 2015


We were all pretty down and depressed about our sweet Star.  So we decided to put up our tree a bit early.  To help us get into the Christmas spirit…we (the girls and I) picked up matching pi's!  Daddy was a good sport!

and that was all of the picks I took of us putting up decorations!

The next morning we headed to our first Thanksgiving at the Wells house...
 only pics!
 Then we went to Poppy and GranDi's for some yummy mexican food.  No pics!

The next morning we headed to Siloam Springs for my side's Christmas.  We were able to have a "bog kid" night while the grands hung out with all the littles…yay!  
 the next day we hung out, ate, and played card games…and this is the only pic I got!
 after Brad and Beth's gang left I helped Jonathan with his tree…he was super excited!  ;)
 We headed back home the next dat and the girls were pumped to see that their elves had came!

So, busy weekend not filled with pics.  Blame it on the sadness.  :(

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