Saturday, December 26, 2015

Merry Christmas!

Is there anything like Christmas morning?!  Ahhh, the excitement as the girls run to see if Santa came…it's one of the best parts of being a parent!
 this year Santa left a little something special!
 We enjoyed hanging out, opening gifts, playing with new toys, eating waffles, and then we got ready for a day of fun!  First stop…movies!

 next…Ice Skating!
 I should note that it was low 70's and a temporary ice ring…and the ice was melting!  So that added a little fun!

 We had a blast skating, slipping, sliding, and even falling all over the rink.  The girls were soaked!

After ice skating we walked around outside to look at all the lights...

 Then we ended our night with IHOP...

Seriously great day with my little family!  The whole day we kept talking about having our little guy next Christmas!  We are all so ready to bring him home!

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